Brian Sanders

Expert Topics:


  • Take a stand on Israel’s behalf
  • Be empowered to battle the anti-Semitism around the world by embracing the Jewish people
  • Support Jewish brands and products
  • Raise awareness in churches and communities by becoming more pro-active in blessing Israel
  • Be encouraged to visit Israel for themselves

Brian Sanders

CEO, Executive Producer, Director

Executive Producer, Segment Producer and Cinematographer
Documentary Website:

Why Stand With Israel, A Film To Change Hearts

The mission of Why Stand With Israel is simply to change hearts toward Israel and the Jewish people. We want to expose the lies, myths and misconceptions about Israel by educating our audience with biblical, historical and current–day facts. One of our primary goals is to reduce and eliminate the spread of antisemitism and boycotts of Israeli goods around the world such as the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement otherwise known as BDS. We desire to develop a more Bible–centered love for Israel and the Jewish people that would produce a world¬wide return of the Diaspora Jews (Aliyah) back to her. And we hope to create a bold movement of believers in Yeshua (Jesus) and advocates of Israel to understand the significance of standing with God’s people and His Holy Land.

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Brian Sanders is the CEO, Executive Producer, Film Director and Producer for the Why Stand With Israel Ministry Film Series. He is also the President and Director of Film & TV Production for HOPE Media LLC.

For almost 3 decades, the Lord has given Brian the privilege of filming what he calls, “God Stories.” Whether domestic or international, he considers it an honor to tell what God is doing through His people on earth.

His radio, tv and film work experience has brought him to countries such as Israel, Haiti, Honduras, Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Bosnia, Brazil, France, Germany, Belgium, Canada, and Italy…not to mention an extensive coverage of the U.S.  His passion to produce uplifting stories as well as  radio/television shows, has awarded him several industry awards both as an Executive Producer, Segment Producer and Cinematographer.

In addition, Brian was fortunate to screen a pro-Israel Film, he directed, produced, filmed, and co-wrote called, The Hague or Jerusalem Film at The Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in The Hague, Netherlands in June 2019.  It is currently airing on The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), GOD TV, and other International Christian TV networks and online platforms.

In the Fall of 2020, he had the distinct honor to speak and pray at The Return, A Global Day of Prayer and Repentance, on the National Mall in Washington, DC.  Brian repented on behalf of the Church for its long history of antisemitism and persecution towards the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel as well as the rampant centuries-old teaching of Replacement Theology that is still prevalent in the Church today. He also encouraged Christians to love the Apple of God’s Eye with the Love of the Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ.



Why Stand With Israel Dcomentary Awards











A documentary film series presented by All For Zion to educate and inspire the Global Church to live out its Biblical responsibility to stand with Israel



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