Chad Davidson

Chad Davidson

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Chad Davidson

Author | Producer | Host | Speaker

Former Atheist

Host of The Good Fight Radio Show

Host of popular weekly podcast show, The 5:11 News

Producer on Good Fight’s new documentary series titled “Marvel & DC’s War on God



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Chad is a former atheist who came to faith in the Lord Jesus as a result of viewing Pastor Joe Schimmel’s DVD “They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll”. He is host of The Good Fight Radio Show, Director of Social Media at Good Fight Ministries, and has served as Blessed Hope Chapel’s youth ministry leader since 2012. He is also the host of his own popular weekly podcast show, The 5:11 News. Chad is a major contributor to the work at Good Fight Ministries, producing videos, writing articles, fielding theological questions, and street evangelism. He is a producer on Good Fight’s new documentary series titled “Marvel & DC’s War on God,” is an author, and has a new book on discipleship being released in Fall of 2022. Chad has a passion to share his testimony and how God transformed his life, encouraging others that there is hope in the Gospel!

Good Fight Ministries is located in Simi Valley, CA and headed up by Pastor Joe Schimmel. The ministry has been providing solid biblical content, critically acclaimed documentaries and video exposés since

Over the last 30 years Good Fight has produced and released over 15 documentary films including, They Sold Their Souls for Rock N Roll, Hollywood’s War on God, The Submerging Church, The Kinsey Syndrome, Harry Potter: A Spirit of Conspiracy, A Shack of Lies, Left Behind or Led Astray and Marvel and DC’s War on God to name a few.

Good Fight currently has over 142,000 YouTube subscribers and over 57,500 Facebook followers (as of this writing). 

We currently operate an internet radio station as a natural extension of the content already being delivered through the internet and social media. The areas of teaching that our station primarily focuses on are: Apologetics, Evangelism, Doctrine, Exposés, and Testimonies. Some of the teachers featured are Frank Turek, Ray Comfort, John Ankerberg, Eric Ludy, Ken Ham, Greg Koukl, J. Warner Wallace, Mike Winger, Dr. Walter Martin, Alisa Childers, and more. We also feature Praise & Worship music.

Here are some 5-minute clips from the film that we are releasing each week for marketing purposes.   Spiderman, Chris Pratt, and the Mocking of Jesus   Robert Pattinson Plays Batman as a Witch Doctor    Iron Man the Son of Satan



Co-host of two top ranked podcasts. The Good Fight Radio Show and The 5:11 News Show.  Just recorded our 500th episode for The Good Fight Radio Show.

The Good Fight Radio Show was born out of the ministry of Good Fight Ministries, a popular worldwide discernment and apologetics ministry started in 1987 by Pastor Joe Schimmel with the live presentation of his landmark documentary film, “They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll”. Schimmel has since released several critically acclaimed films, such as “The Submerging Church,” “Hollywood’s War on God” and “The Kinsey Syndrome”. The Good Fight Radio Show features Joe Schimmel, host Chad Davidson, and is produced by Tony Palacio.

This weekly program is available wherever podcasts are heard – as well as on video through the Good Fight Ministries official YouTube channel. The show discusses contemporary issues in light of the bible and how these issues relate to fam- ily, culture, and the church. From headline news, music, movies, ongoing theological discussions in the body of Christ, to breaking down tough bible passages, the show provides edification for every person looking to be strengthened in their walk with Christ, who want to better understand the times in which we are living, and how to contend for the faith (Jude 1:3). Additionally, we love featuring special guests! Some past guests featured on the show have been Gary Habermas, Ray Comfort, Frank Turek, Alisa Childers, J. Warner Wallace, Ken Ham, Sean McDowell, Gordon D. Nickel, Ken Wilson, Michael J. Kruger, Jay Smith, David Wood, and many more.

Some guests who we’ve recently interviewed on the show are: Dr. Gary Habermas, Josh McDowell, Alisa Childers, Dr. Gordon D, Nickel, Dr. Craig Evans, Dr. Robert Picirili, Dr. Jay Smith, Ray Comfort, Ken Ham, Frank Turek, Bobby Conway, Dr. David Wood, Ken Wilson, Sean McDowell, Dr. John Oswalt, Bob Cornuke, Tim Barnett, Wesley Huff, Ralph Strean and Eric Hernandez, to name a few.

Good Fight Ministries:

We are a non-profit ministry that exists for the glory of God, equipping Christians with Truth, exposing the unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11), while maintaining a heart to win the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Good Fight Ministries specializes in teaching and encouraging spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness, as well as sharing important insights as they relate to biblical prophecy and the end times. We provide information from a biblical and spiritual worldview. We carefully research growing religious trends and ideas that attempt to undermine biblical Christianity, covering various trends in present pop culture. The tools that Good Fight make available have proven to be incredibly effective in leading thousands of people to Christ and encouraging Believers in their walk with the Lord. Fight the Good Fight Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt organization.



A Supreme Court document has been leaked which shows a decision to strike down Roe v Wade. This is causing a meltdown from advocates of abortion. We’re going to take a look at some of the arguments being made in support for abortion and bring them captive to the obedience of Christ.

The Dark Secrets of Planned Parenthood

Elon Musk has purchased Twitter and everyone is going crazy because of it. Also a recent study on teen mental health has shown that teens are smoking less, drinking less and even doing drugs less but they are more anxious and depressed than ever.

Trump’s Satanic Peace Plan

The Clintons, Jeffrey Epstein, Trump & Sex Slaves

Kanye Teams With Lil Nas X and Satan

Other Guests:

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Founder & President of Prosperity 101, LLC | Author | Podcast Host | Pundit on Public Policy, Economics, Politics, Faith, and Business

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