Commander John B. Wells, U. S. Navy (Ret)

Commander John B Wells

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Military – Veterans Advocacy

Legal Defense (Military Cases)

Israel / Middle East

Justly earned benefits through the VA system

Blue Water Navy Veterans and Your Home Loan Benefits


Commander John B. Wells, U. S. Navy (Ret)

Attorney at Law Chairman, Military-Veterans Advocacy, Inc.

Retired Navy Commander John B. Wells, Military-Veterans Advocacy’s® (MVA) Chairman, has an unparalleled success record in military court-martials. The success in cases ranging from larceny to sexual assaults has resulted in innocent persons being acquitted.

Retired Navy Commander (Surface Warfare) and a disabled veteran.

Served from 1972 until 1994.

Unparalleled success record in military court-martials.

Commander Wells’ “never give up” approach to legal defense

Has sued to protect the religious liberties of military members across the services and within the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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Attorney John B. Wells is a retired Navy Commander (Surface Warfare) and a disabled veteran, who served from 1972 until 1994. He was assigned to six ships and several shore commands. He is qualified in all aspects of surface warfare including command at sea. He is a graduate of the Surface Warfare Officers School Department Head and PXO schools. Mr. Wells served as a Special-Court Martial convening authority, member, senior member and witness before administrative boards and courts-martials. He has administered non-judicial punishment under Art. 15 of the UCMJ.

Mr. Wells attended law school at night while still on active duty. He was a member of the Law Review Staff and contributed to several law school publications. Upon retirement from the military, Mr. Wells settled in Slidell Louisiana and opened a general law practice that emphasized military and veterans law. Mr. Wells has represented military members and veterans throughout the country. He is at home in both state and federal courts and travels often to Washington, D.C. for cases there.

Commander Wells was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in November of 1994, the Supreme Court of Louisiana in October of 1995 and the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in April of 1996. He is also admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States. In addition, Mr. Wells is admitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth, Federal and District of Columbia Circuits. He is also a member of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and all service courts. He is admitted to practice before the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the United States Court of Federal Claims. Mr. Wells is also admitted to many federal district courts including the District of Columbia.

Applying the lessons learned from litigation, Military-Veterans Advocacy® takes the next step to correct deficiencies by meeting with Members of Congress, Senators, and their staff as well as the staff of the House, Senate, Armed Services, and Veterans Committee. We propose, support, and oppose legislation important to current and former members of the armed services. The Military-Veterans Advocacy® Executive Director travels to Washington D.C. to support these causes on the Hill and to work with other like-minded advocacy groups.






Retired Navy Commander John B. Wells, Military-Veterans Advocacy’s® (MVA) Chairman, has an unparalleled success record in military court-martials. The success in cases ranging from larceny to sexual assaults has resulted in innocent persons being acquitted. Commander Wells’ “never give up” approach resulted in a sailor being exonerated of sexual assault charges after seven years of imprisonment. In another case, an officer convicted of sexual misconduct was cleared after DNA tampering was disclosed.

MVA sues the military departments and the VA in the federal courts in the District of Columbia to prevent or correct injustice. Commander Wells’ efforts have resulted in unjust discharges being overturned. Additionally, he has sued to protect the religious liberties of military members across the services and within the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Military-Veterans Advocacy® is prepared to appeal the denial of justly earned benefits through the VA system and beyond. Several successful appeals have resulted in the restoration of benefits or further review of the case by VA authorities. MVA has also successfully pursued a case to seek benefits for a whole class of Navy Vietnam Veterans.

MVA Noteworthy Cases

  • Military Veterans Advocacy v. Jeff Landry – MVA v. Landry pdf
  • Procopio v. Wilkie 913 F.3d 1371 Recognized territorial sea as part of the Republic of Vietnam for purposes of the herbicide exposure presumption.
  • Procopio v. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, 943 F/3d 1376 Limited stay of action under the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act to six months.
  • National Organization of Veterans Advocacy v. Secretary of Veterans Affairs 981 F3d 1369 Amicus brief key to extension of statute of limitations for seeking judicial review from 60 days to 6 months.
  • Military-Veterans Advocacy v. Secretary of Veterans Affairs7 F.4th 1110.  Successful judicial review resulted in overturning VA regulations governing attorneys’ fees, prohibiting concurrent supplemental claim and federal court appeal and intent-to-file framework was invalid


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