Dr Jim Garlow

Pastor Jim Garlow

Expert Topics:


  • Religion in the Public Square – Purpose of Government, the First Amendment, and Political Correctness
  • Family and Life Issues – Marriage, School Choice, Abortion, Sexual Orientation, and Healthcare
  • Economics – Capitalism vs. Socialism, Taxes, Debt, Welfare, and Minimum Wage
  • Law and Society – Judiciary, Hate Crimes, Social Justice, and Racism
  • Foreign Policy and World Issues – National Defense, Immigration, Israel, the Environment, Islam, and Terrorism
  • Political Participation – Media and Civil Disobedience

and more …

  • Social security
  • Minimum wage
  • Welfare
  • Healthcare
  • Immigration
  • Refugees
  • War
  • Education
  • The purpose of government
  • Abortion
  • Marriage
  • National debt
  • Israel

Dr Jim Garlow

Author, Communicator, Commentator, Historian, Cultural Observer and Pastor

“I believe that the Bible speaks not merely to personal, family, and church issues, but to national, community, and governmental issues if we would take the time to listen.” –James L. Garlow

Founder and CEO of Well Versed, Inc.

Well Versed World Podcasts

Lead worship and/or Bible studies on biblical principles of governance to leaders, gathering them into “micro-congregations” in:

Washington, D.C.

  • Members of Congress
  • Persons who work at the U.S. State Department
  • (With your help, we will begin ministry in the Supreme Court)

United Nations, New York City

  • Persons who work at the United Nations
  • Ambassadors at the United Nations

In the Knesset – the Israeli Parliament – in Jerusalem, Israel, we co-sponsor a Torah (Hebrew Scriptures) study with Jews and Christians studying the Bible together, led by Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a former Member of the Knesset, in addition to Rabbi Tuly Weiz of Israel 365.

Radio Host, The Garlow Perspective

Author, 19 Books

Well Versed: Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues

Contact Us



Dr. Jim Garlow is the Founder and CEO of Well Versed, Inc. He is an author, communicator, commentator, historian, cultural observer an has served most of his adult life as a pastor. Garlow is heard daily on over 800 radio outlets nationwide in his one-minute commentary called “The Garlow Perspective,” and has appeared on numerous national TV shows on NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CNBC and Comedy Central.

Garlow has done over 1,300 radio, TV and print interviews – national and local – covering a wide range of topics: historical, theological, political, religious liberty, marriage and family issues and cultural trends.

He graduated from Drew University (Ph.D. in historical theology), Princeton Theological Seminary (Master of Theology), Asbury Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity), Southern Nazarene University (B.A. & M.A.), and Oklahoma Wesleyan University (A.A.).

Garlow has written 19 books, most recently Well Versed: Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues and This Precarious Moment: Six Urgent Steps That Will Save You, Your Family And Our Country, both released by Regnery Publishers of Washington, DC. In September, his newest book will be released: God Will See You Through This: 26 Lessons I Learned from the Father Through the Joys and Hurts of Everyday Life.

His books have been translated into nearly a dozen languages.

Well Versed World Podcasts

In today’s political climate, the Well Versed podcast brings you Biblical principles of governance, not merely to governmental leaders, but to YOU, an intelligent, informed, learning citizen.

Well Versed WorldView Podcast

Our Mission

We bring biblical principles of governance to government leadersand the people who elect them. The world is in crisis. So many human institutions are failing. Everyone knows it.

Most people know that the Bible speaks clearly about: 1) personal matters, (2) family matters, and (3) church life. However, the Bible also speaks equally clearly regarding (4) civil government. God originally established government and establishes nationstoday. He knows best how government is to function. Thus, the Well Versed ministry is committed to bringing biblical principles of governance to governmental leaders.

Human suffering, pain and poverty will only be reduced once nations follow the biblical principles of governance. Only eternal and transcendent truths will produce peace and prosperity in nations. Shipping bags of beans and rice to starving people is important. Very important. What is even better is when the government follows the biblical economic principles so that people can grow their own beans and rice, or have gainful employment which allows them to purchase what they need. Nations need to follow the biblical principles of governance.

How Did This Calling or This Ministry Initially Began? It began when Jim Garlow was nine years of age.
Click here to learn more.

The Methodology

Well Versed teaches biblical principles of governance to governmental leaders through small group Bible studies, or one-on-one meetings with governmental leaders (ambassadors, elected officials, and career bureaucrats).

Are we Republican or Democrat? Right or Left? Neither. We are committed to Right vs. Wrong.
Click here to learn more.



Well Versed Future Conference:

July 20 – 21, 2022 in Arlington VA

Join the Biblical Principles Movement

Here is the challenge:

If two persons get elected to Congress, and one is a follower of God and the other one isn’t, their personal and private lives will likely be different, but quite likely neither know what the Bible teaches about the nature of government!

Why? Because many Bible believers are NOT Well Versed.

They do not know what the Bible says about civil government!

Well Versed Future Conference - July 20 - 22, 2022

You may not want to think about it, but people of Biblical values and people who love freedom are being marginalized and “cancelled.” Trudeau turned Canada into Cuba in a day when he froze bank accounts and then into China when he began arresting pastors. Totalitarian authoritarianism and rampant globalism is on the rise. What steps can you take now to keep that from happening? How do we create an “alternative“ or “parallel universe” in which to survive and even thrive. Here are some serious questions for you to ask:

  • If you don’t have access to your money, what can you do? What can you do now to avoid being in this situation?
  • If you lose the capacity to communicate electronically with each other, what is your backup plan?
  • If you are not allowed to practice your religion openly and freely, do you know how to go “underground?”
  • If you had to flee from your home, where would you go?
  • If the government forces you to have medical treatments you don’t want, what are your options?
  • If your doctor is not allowed to practice medicine because he/she refuses to administer harmful governmentally coerced treatments, how would you get medical care?
  • If your children were being taught politically and sexually offensive material in school, what will you do?
  • If your children are not allowed an education due to their religious and political beliefs, how will you educate them?

We are asking these questions not to create fear, but to create confidence that you are prepared for whatever may come. We sincerely hope you never need to use any of the information you will learn on this day. In the same way that you hope you never have to use your health insurance, car insurance, fire or hail insurance or even your life insurance, having the insurance is still a prudent thing. Wise people know that it is better to have information that you do not need, than to lack information you desperately wish you had.


Other Guests:

Jon Loew

Jon Loew

Jon has a 25-year track record in media, technology and security – and where these industries collide.

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Judy Isaacson Elias

Judy Isaacson Elias

Heroes to Heroes Foundation provides spiritual healing and peer support for American Combat Veterans who have attempted suicide or are on a path to self-destruction due to moral injury.

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Reggie Littlejohn

Reggie Littlejohn

Seeks to expose, oppose, resist and ultimately defeat the global power grab know as the”Great Reset”. | Founder & Pres. Anti-Globalist International | Founder & Pres. Women’s Rights Without Frontiers | Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition | Political Commentator

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