Linda J Hansen

Expert Topics:

“Woke” to Awake – Transforming Corporate Culture

Empowering Employers to Preserve America

Connecting Boardroom to Breakroom® & Policy to Paycheck

Educating a New Generation on Constitutional Freedoms & Civic Engagement

Preventing Citizen Complacency After Election Victories

Cancelling Cancel Culture 

Integrating Faith and Business to Impact Culture 

Education in America – School Choice / Homeschooling


Linda J Hansen

Founder & President of Prosperity 101, LLC

Linda J. Hansen is Founder & President of Prosperity 101, LLC.

Author of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® – The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck

Creator of the Breakroom Economics® online course.

Host of the popular Prosperity 101® podcast

Contact Us



Linda J. Hansen is Founder & President of Prosperity 101, LLC. She is the author of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® – The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck and the creator of the Breakroom Economics® online course. She is also creator and host of the popular Prosperity 101®podcast, where she regularly interviews a variety of guests regarding public policy, economics, politics, faith, and business. Her books and resource materials have been widely used across the country.

Linda has blazed a trail of leadership throughout her life and is one of the very few women in America to serve at the highest levels of a major presidential campaign. She is most well-known for her role as Executive Vice-President Deputy Chief of Staff for Herman Cain’s United States Presidential Campaign in the 2012 election cycle. She has decades of grassroots, regulatory reform, and issue advocacy experience at the local, state, and national levels and has served clients in a variety of industries.

Linda believes America is the beacon light of freedom for the world and works to educate others on the importance of protecting liberty so all citizens may pursue their American dreams.

In addition to her work with Prosperity 101, LLC, Linda serves political, government affairs, non-profit, business, and coaching clients through her firm, Capacity Strategies, LLC. She is an experienced strategist, writer, speaker, and Certified Personal, Executive, and Leadership Coach.

She is the author of a coaching workshop and life planner entitled, Coach Yourself to a Better You®. She is also a co-author of the #1 Best Seller, The Supernatural Effect, Extraordinary Stories of God’s Divine Intervention & Heavenly Encounters With Jesus, published in 2022 by FEW International Publications.

She has been featured on radio, television, and in print by national media outlets, and is an accomplished speaker who has addressed crowds varying from small groups to legislators and leaders on Capitol Hill, to crowds of over 15,000 people.

Prior to all of that, and most importantly, Linda was blessed to be a homeschool mom to six (now grown) children, all of whom are thriving and productive adults. She firmly believes that has been, and still is her most important role.

With insights gleaned from her unique background, Linda encourages others to higher levels of self-confidence, productivity, and purpose. Inspired by her unwavering faith, she has an independent, entrepreneurial spirit, and is happiest when her work honors God and makes a positive, impactful difference in the lives of others.



Prosperity 101® – Job Security Through Business Prosperity®

The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck

Have you ever wondered what factors, beyond your personal performance, impact your job security? Have you asked yourself if economic policy matters to your daily life? Prosperity 101® – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® is a simple, easy to understand reference guide to help you understand the policies that affect your paycheck.
  • Foundations of Prosperity
  • Policies of Prosperity
  • How to Protect Your Prosperity by Becoming Informed, Involved, and Impactful™



Major companies turning away from DEI … but what will replace ‘Wokism’ ?

Linda J Hansen believes employers are perfectly positioned to provide truth to employees on the connection between policy and paycheck and human flourishing and freedom. Clear communication in the workplace on how policies affect paychecks  enhances loyalty, engagement and retention and  creates an increased awareness  of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society.  
Most people in the workplace have never been taught basics about the foundations of freedom, our economic system, or how to be an involved citizen to protect their  own prosperity. Our educational systems have neglected this, and now millions of people – and businesses – have been easily misled into adopting “woke” ideologies and training programs. 
As companies are starting to turn away from DEI and other identity based programs, Linda believes it is the perfect time for employers to rise up and share the facts-of-life-in business with employees. If employers do not, who will?
Join the movement back to common sense, patriotism, and Constitutional awareness. Join with Linda and Prosperity 101®️ to replace “woke” with awake. 

Other Guests:

Linda J Hansen

Founder & President of Prosperity 101, LLC | Author | Podcast Host | Pundit on Public Policy, Economics, Politics, Faith, and Business

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