Eric Hohman

Eric Hohman

Expert Topics:


Eradicate Suicide Among Our Air Force Combat Controller Teammates

A former US Air Force Combat Controller with over 20 years of Security Operations and Management experience.

  • Suicide Prevention
  • Suicide Rates in Military
  • Border Security
  • Afghanistan Withdrawal (debacle)
  • Security Operations
  • Facility Security
  • Analyzing military and civilian border security legislation
  • Law Enforcement (background includes force protection and criminal investigations)

Eric Hohman

Air Force Combat Controller (Ret) | President, First There Foundation

U.S. Air Force Combat Controller (Ret). Eric has an extensive law enforcement background which includes force protection and criminal investigations.

    • President, First There Foundation (
    • Combat Controller
    • Expert in Facility Security Management
    • Experienced in analyzing military and civilian border security legislation.
    • As an Air Force Combat Controller he was tasked with hunting down terrorists.
    • As a Special Operator he has been awarded the Bronze Star with Valor.
    • Served 15 years in the United States Air Force.
    • Became a military police officer as a Security Forces Airman.
    • Worked in emergency management and operations.
    • Certified as a Military Investigator, collecting crime scene evidence and processing it.
    • Served in the United States Air Force police SWAT team called “EST” (Emergency Services Team).
    • Involved in operations across Texas and the south.
    • Worked with Secret Service agents in San Antonio to protect Air Force One & more.
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Eric served as a Combat Controller for many years. After leaving the Air Force, he found it difficult to navigate life. Through his personal ups and downs, he felt the effects of being a CCT had an impact on his abilities to perform in the civilian world. He knew others needed assistance at certain times of their life, and so, The First There Foundation was born.

Event Tags: 

I became Americas’ most lethal weapon. 15 Years as an Air Force Combat Controller. In April of 2020, my first supervisor and teammate, Chris “AZ” Rush, took his own life after only six months of leaving the Combat Control teams.

The First There Foundation was founded to combat suicide among teammates and establish an extension of the team room where Controllers can find refuge in the midst of the difficulty of civilian life.

First There was established to look after our own. We are in a unique position where we can speak and stand up for our brothers, who cannot because of possible Command punishment.

What is being done to our career field for the sake of furthering the woke movement and promotion is degrading, insulting, and extremely dangerous.

To lower training standards and push a woman through who has quit multiple times, will cost the lives of teammates.

We stand with the men of Combat Control who continue to hold the line and exceed the standards.



Military Suicide Rates Are at an All-Time High; Here’s How We’re Trying to Help

The reasons for the Air Force increase are not fully understood, coming after years of effort by all of the military services to counter a problem that seems to defy solution.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, isolation became a global issue – but especially so for service members in quarantine. With military suicides increasing by 16% throughout 2020, the risks of isolation during quarantine in the military were noteworthy. Those infected while serving overseas, or troops who returned from deployment, were required to first complete a mandated 14-day quarantine before returning to duty or before finally being allowed to head home. These quarantines were made even more challenging by the fact that service members were not only isolated from others in their unit, but also from their loved ones and home.

First There was established to look after our own. We are in a unique position where we can speak and stand up for our brothers, who cannot because of possible Command punishment.

What is being done to our career field for the sake of furthering the woke movement and promotion is degrading, insulting, and extremely dangerous.

To lower training standards and push a woman through who has quit multiple times, will cost the lives of teammates.

We stand with the men of Combat Control who continue to hold the line and exceed the standards.

#combatcontrol #wehaveyour6 #dontlowerstandards #usaf #afsoc#endwokeairforce #holdtheline

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