Our Guests & Speakers


Top Tier Guests For Your Show

Educate, Embolden, Equip and Engage your show with these experts. Contact us for more information.


BOOKERS: Our 25 years of combined media experience works as an extension of your staff.  We are experienced radio/television bookers ready to find you the best guest for your segment. We only pitch you guests that we would book ourselves and have a stringent vetting policy before the pitch ever reaches your inbox.

Jon Loew

Jon Loew

Jon has a 25-year track record in media, technology and security – and where these industries collide.

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Judy Isaacson Elias

Judy Isaacson Elias

Heroes to Heroes Foundation provides spiritual healing and peer support for American Combat Veterans who have attempted suicide or are on a path to self-destruction due to moral injury.

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Reggie Littlejohn

Reggie Littlejohn

Seeks to expose, oppose, resist and ultimately defeat the global power grab know as the”Great Reset”. | Founder & Pres. Anti-Globalist International | Founder & Pres. Women’s Rights Without Frontiers | Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition | Political Commentator

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James Staake

James Staake

President, Your American Flag Store | Cancel Culture Expert |
Former VC “flag guy” demonetized on Facebook, bounces back bigly.

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Gregg Roman

Gregg Roman

Dir. Middle East Forum | Political Commentator | Former Political Advisor to the deputy foreign minister of Israel

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Dexter Van Zile

Dexter Van Zile

Managing Editor of Focus on Western Islamism (FWI) | Former Shillman Research Fellow for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting

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Dr Crisanna Shackelford

Dr Crisanna Shackelford

Advocating for Medical Freedom in the Battle for Choice. |
IC (Retired) | Nonlinear Warfare | PhD | NATSEC Defense Readiness | Biologics, Gene Therapies | VAX Injuries @RealReactionsNP | Vet Vax Advocate

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Thurlow and Kathey Spurr

Thurlow and Kathey Spurr

Founders, The Spurr Conservatory | Illustrious Careers in Entertainment, Music, and the Arts | Harnessing the transformative power of entertainment, music, and the arts to steer society toward a more positive direction.

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Micah Van Huss

Micah Van Huss

Host | Producer | Author | Mythology Expert | “Evolution comes from the same science that can’t tell you what a woman is.”

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Rose Ann Forte

Rose Ann Forte

We Help People Change Their Relationship With Alcohol So They Can Find The Person They Were Created To Be And Free Themselves Of The Psychological Slavery Of Their Alcohol Habit

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Craig Huey

Expert on ballot harvesting, inflation, stagflation, shrinkflation, recession, the growing war on Christianity, business issues and the ideological bureaucracy transforming culture and politics. 

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Walter Hoye

President and Founder of the Issues4life Foundation, California Civil Rights Foundation | Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California | Core Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition

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Chad Davidson

Chad Davidson

Author | Producer | Host | Speaker

Over the last 30 years Good Fight has produced and released over 15 documentary films including,

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Mary Bawden

Mary Bawden

Advocacy | Education | Partnership | Founder, DA:NCE (Dance Awareness No Child Exploited) | Charter Member, Voices Against Trafficking

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