March 9, 2022

Public School Lockdown Crisis

School Lockdown

Public School Lockdown Crisis

Kids More Likely to Die from Suicide than from COVID-19

Craig Huey

Because state and local politicians and public health “experts” are ignoring both the science and the data, many public/government schools remain closed and students are being put at risk.

Since last summer, Christian schools, private schools, homeschool associations and public schools in free states have been open for in-person classes without a problem.

But because some public (government) teachers don’t feel “safe” returning to their classrooms, school-age children are being put in imminent danger.

Because teachers’ unions and school boards are refusing to allow teachers to go back to work until unreasonable budget demands are met or political policies are implemented, students are suffering mentally and emotionally.

Children are the least likely to become seriously ill or die from COVID-19… and they are the least likely to transmit the virus to adults.

Yet the CDC is using adult transmission rates within a community to determine whether it’s safe to open schools. It makes no sense when you realize that the CDC says it is okay for adults to sit shoulder-to-shoulder for hours on airplanes as well as go to restaurants, casinos and bowling alleys – activities that children don’t participate in!

It’s obvious that adult transmission rates in a community have little or no bearing at all on the transmission rate from student to student or from student to adult.

But the CDC doesn’t care what the science says. Nor does it seem to care about the severe impact of year-long school closures on kids:

  • Substance abuse for adolescents has risen sharply.
  • Domestic violence against adolescents is up.
  • Sexual abuse of young people is rising.
  • Suicide among school age children has risen sharply.
  • Malnutrition of poor kids who depend on school breakfast and lunch programs has increased.

Just take teens – age 13-18:

  • Overdoses are up 11%
  • Anxiety is up 94%
  • Depression is up 84%

It’s been estimated that kids are 10 times more likely to commit suicide than to die of COVID-19.

Clark County, Nevada reopened schools after 18 students in the county committed suicide during the school closures due to the pandemic.

It’s time for the CDC and the so-called public health experts to look at the totality of public health outcomes from their lockdown policies.

It’s time to open all schools across the country and get kids back in the classroom where they can best learn, and where they can have healthy social interaction with other kids.

It’s time to have school choice so this never happens again.

It’s time to vote for school board members who will make sure this never happens again.

Watch this important video of Dr. Marty Makary, M.D., Professor of surgery and health policy at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, talking about the CDC’s scientifically flawed school opening guidelines (less than 4 minutes). Click here.

Watch this video on “Biden’s Pathetic Plan to Reopen Slowly”. Click HERE.


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About the Author
Craig Huey
Media Specialists Craig Huey has been activein both the California political arena and in the Evangelical movement for more than 20 years. As publisher of a Christian-oriented political ‘ezine’, Craig has shared faith-based views about current issues. And he’s regularly hosted election forums during local, state and national elections.