“I grieve today for the hatred that was displayed tonight as an assassination attempt was made on the life of President Trump. I am forever grateful for the brave men and women of the Secret Service. My prayers are with President Trump, his family and all of America tonight! Deep prayers for everyone bereaved, injured or traumatized at this moment. Pray for America and humanity. It’s time for our nation to commit itself to prayer, forgiveness, nonviolence and unity.” Dr. Alveda King
Chair of the AFPI Center for the American Dream
Founder, Speak for Life
ABOUT ALVEDA KING MINISTRIES Alveda King Ministries is dedicated to advancing the sanctity of life and promoting justice and equality for all. Founded by Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the organization works tirelessly to inspire positive change and build a culture that values and protects every human life. AlvedaKing.com |