Joe Schimmel

Pastor Joe Schimmel

Expert Topics:

Biblical and Spiritual Worldview

Spiritual Warfare

Street Evangelism

Religious Trends

Ideas that attempt to undermine biblical Christianity

Trends in present pop culture

Joe Schimmel

Film Producer | Keynote Speaker | Senior Pastor | Podcast Host


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Since 1987 Pastor Joe Schimmel has been equipping Christians with the truth of God’s word. His testimony of the transforming power of Jesus Christ in his own life can be seen in the powerful exposé, They Sold Their Souls for Rock & Roll, and has been heard during live presentations at churches around the world in which he describes his own deliverance from the bondage and satanic influence of Rock Music at the age of 18. This calling and love for the Lord led Joe to start Good Fight Ministries in 1987 with a mission to reach a lost and dying world with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. As head of Good Fight Ministries and Senior Pastor of Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, California since 1990, Joe’s life work and ministry are dedicated to carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).

In addition to the video production, They Sold Their Souls for Rock & Roll, and its predecessor, Rock & Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution, Good Fight Ministries, under the direction and guidance of Joe, has faithfully continued to expose “the unfruitful deeds of darkness” (Ephesians 5:11) with subsequent film and television exposés. These include A Shack of LiesThe Submerging ChurchLeft Behind or Les Astray?Hollywood’s War on God, and partner productions such as The Kinsey Syndrome, which exposes the hidden deceptions of the sexual revolution and Satan’s attempt to corrupt the hearts and minds of believers and non-believers alike.

Joe’s objective for Good Fight Ministries is to teach and encourage spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness, and to share important insights as they relate to biblical prophecy and the end times. Joe provides information from a biblical and spiritual worldview to help people make informed life choices that often have eternal consequences. He carefully researches growing religious trends and ideas that attempt to undermine biblical Christianity, providing written articles and video exposés covering various trends in present pop culture. To His glory, God has used Joe’s videos and live presentations to bring thousands of people to Christ, as well as impact and strengthen several thousand families. You can read some of these testimonies on Good Fight’s official website at

Parallel to the outreach of Good Fight Ministries, Joe’s ministry at Blessed Hope Chapel continues to strengthen and grow both families and individuals alike in their walk with the Lord. Under Joe’s teaching and encouragement, Blessed Hope is a fellowship of fruitful Believers committed to the truth of God’s word, praise and worship to His Holy Name, and submission and service in seeking His will for their lives and the church body as a whole. Along with his brothers and sisters in Christ, Joe and his family are actively involved in street evangelism and international ministries which include on-going mission trips to Central America, Europe, and the Middle East as they reflect the love of Christ, and God’s message of hope to a sinful and dying world, through Jesus’ redemptive sacrifice on the cross.



BRAND NEW PRODUCT: Marvel & DC’s War on God is an eye-opening exposé series that documents how popular comic books – and the movies that they have spawned – are riddled with anti-Christ themes that glorify gratuitous violence, sexual perversion, blasphemy, and the occult. Many leading comic book writers have admitted that they are using seduction, manipulation, the occult, and even the bible to influence our children to view the God of the bible from a twisted slant. The Antichrist Agenda is part 1 of a 7-part series which explore all facets of these two popular franchises and expose the dark origins and agendas being put into play through the comic books and movies.

This documentary series is designed to help parents and young people alike to better discern the underlying messages in many popular comic books and movies that affect millions of professing Christian families. As we seek to know the Lord and follow His word, it is imperative that we are wise to the ways of the evil one in popular culture.

Joe Schimmel’s documentaries are always cutting-edge, timely, and incredibly informative. Marvel & DC’s War on God will not disappoint.” –Ray Comfort, Living Waters

 “Marvel and DC’s War on God” is a film I highly endorse. The message the producers are trying to get across, shows that for years there has been a sinister attempt to promote violence and an anti-God focus in materials intended primarily for children’s impressionable minds. It is high time that the perverted agenda of those who produce and market such materials is seen for what it is and is unmasked.

Leonard W. DeWitt, Pastor Ventura Jubilee Fellowship

“Satan is after your children, and he’s cleverly using comic book movies to deceive them. Marvel & DC’s War on God will show you exactly how they’re targeted and open your eyes to the war on Christianity.”

Ralph Strean, Director of Genesis: Paradise Lost & The Ark and the Darkness



In addition to the video production, They Sold Their Souls for Rock & Roll, and its predecessor, Rock & Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution, Good Fight Ministries, under the direction and guidance of Joe, has faithfully continued to expose “the unfruitful deeds of darkness” (Ephesians 5:11) with subsequent film and television exposés. These include A Shack of LiesThe Submerging ChurchLeft Behind or Les Astray?Hollywood’s War on God, and partner productions such as The Kinsey Syndrome, which exposes the hidden deceptions of the sexual revolution and Satan’s attempt to corrupt the hearts and minds of believers and non-believers alike.

Director (15 credits)

They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll (10-HR)

Joe Schimmel: They-Sold-Their-Souls-3HRDescription

Is it true that Satan is the master musician working behind the popular music scene and influencing our youth?

Fasten your seat belts as you go on an eye-popping ride upon the roller coaster of Rock, and find out how Rock’s most popular artists have Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll. In this mind-blowing exposé Pastor Joe Schimmel reveals just how Satan has been effectively using popular music to undermine God’s plan for the family and ultimately heralding the coming of the Antichrist and his kingdom on earth.

This full-length video series contains 10 hours of eye-popping, rare, and some never before seen footage that will leave you picking your jaw up off the ground, as you see hundreds of artists (most of whom are not covered in the abbreviated 3-hour version) being used by Satan to destroy many lives. Come behind the scenes with us as we expose the deceptive agendas of many of yesterday and today’s secular artists, such as: Elvis, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, U2, Creed, Madonna, Britney Spears, DMX, Tupac, Tori Amos, and many more.

It’s time to remove the blinders – guard yourself and those you love from one of Satan’s most powerful tools!

Hosted and narrated by Pastor Joseph Schimmel.

Other Guests:

Linda J Hansen

Founder & President of Prosperity 101, LLC | Author | Podcast Host | Pundit on Public Policy, Economics, Politics, Faith, and Business

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