Rose Ann Forte

Rose Ann Forte

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We Help People Change Their Relationship With Alcohol So They Can Find The Person They Were Created To Be And Free Themselves Of The Psychological Slavery Of Their Alcohol Habit

Finding Freedom: Rose Ann’s Path to Removing Alcohol from Her Life

  • You Can Re-Wire Your Brain
  • You Can Renew Your Mind
  • Major Depressive disorder
  • Forgiveness
  • Freedom
  • How to step into a new way of being …


Rose Ann Forte

Author, The Plans He Has for Me: A Twelve-Week Daily Devotional for Freedom from Alcohol

The Science Behind Habit Formation

Why Do I Continue To Drink Despite My Desire Not To?

Today, I’m a completely transformed person and because of that I want you to understand that God’s instruction manual, His Word, is the perfect guide to finding freedom from the oppressive nature of this substance. You can and will experience freedom as well by spending time with Him in His Word and staying the course for 84 consecutive days, finding the YOU that you were created to be. – Rose Ann Forte

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Rose Ann was a successful C-Suite Executive and ministry leader in the church. She was a working mom of four and a social drinker. Over the years, life’s stresses and a difficult marriage created an environment where her alcohol usage increased significantly. Her health and emotional wellbeing suffered greatly. After the collapse of her marriage, her drinking further escalated, and she felt like a fraud with God and the Church. She made many attempts to control it only to later lose control again. There were aspects of AA that didn’t feel comfortable for her so it was not an option in her mind. She had already submitted to God and didn’t want to call herself an alcoholic. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, she enrolled in a coaching program to put alcohol to the side for three months. Her experience was extremely transformational, and she recognized God’s instruction embedded in the entire process. She identified what alcohol had stolen from her life and understood that God had a better plan for her. Rose Ann felt called to document what she learned with a daily devotional so others can experience God’s promises through scriptural instruction with hope and a better plan for the future.



The Plans He Has For Me: A 12-Week Daily Devotional for Freedom from Alcohol

Rose Ann Forte - Big Book Award

The History of the Program

The devotional was born out of a need in the church for a faith-based, positive approach for dealing with problems associated with habitual alcohol use.   It came about by matching scripture with many of the secular program principles taught today that offer a short-term solution for staying alcohol free.  These secular programs are based on the latest scientific research on how to change habits and mindset with toxic behaviors.  It just so happens that they were also teaching concepts and principles that were given to us by our loving Father in Heaven, in many cases, over 2,000 years ago through His Word.  In short, these secular programs were teaching Kingdom principles without the King.    The programs offered today have been incredibly effective, over the short term, but still yielded a significant re-engagement rate with the substance after brief success.  The truth is that according to the Journal of Religion and Health over 84% of scientific studies show that faith is a positive factor in addiction and recovery.  The devotional provided the faith part of the process, but there was a little more needed to make sure people had all of our Heavenly Father’s armor in their armories to stay the course over a longer period of time.   We listened to people that had chosen to drink and learned why people re-engaged with the substance.  This is how we developed the 12 CORE CONCEPTS for freedom from alcohol.  These CORE CONCEPTS are delivered through the Choose Alcohol-Free Course.  They consist of the principles embedded in the devotional, but they also needed to be reinforced with scripture, stories and scientific facts.  The CORE CONCEPTS help to provide a deeper understanding of the how’s and why’s associated with the spiritual battles that people will ultimately come face to face with after their 12-week victories.   They are the key to staying the course and choosing a life free from alcohol.


Rose Ann Forte - US Review of Books

The Plans He Has for Me: A Twelve-Week Daily Devotional for Freedom from Alcohol
by Rose Ann Forte
Ignite Press



“Thank you, Jesus, for the sacrifice you have made which allows me to put all my past sin in the rearview mirror.”

There is no substitute for experience, and this has never been more true than in Forte’s work, a memoir of emergence from trying times through faith that functions as a roadmap for others still mired in addiction to find the exit to God’s word. What makes the work particularly meaningful is its ability to simultaneously provide big-picture realizations on the subjects of gratitude, mindfulness, and introspection while never straying away from Forte’s own redemption story.

Equipped with the ultimate appreciation for her audience’s struggle, Forte removes all remnants of shame and guilt, only focusing on the one label that matters: being made in God’s image. Themes of accountability and commitment to themselves, service, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ redefine Forte’s experiences, steering her out of the habits and routine that pulled her into the darkness. The vulnerability and openness with which she describes this darkness, and the light after, is a blessing of hope. More importantly, the microscopic chronicling of her efforts, broken down by each day to demonstrate the natural progression of ups and downs over the course of twelve weeks, is incredibly eye-opening.

Sustainability is central to the author’s mission as she essentially aspires to reprogram human minds toward prayer and away from addiction. As the days progress, Forte paints a realistic picture of the process by acknowledging that knowledge is easier than practice and one that audiences can emulate while taking in the soothing nature of the scripture at the beginning of each section. Overall, Forte effectively integrates faith with transformation to provide an incredible glimpse into the experiences and mindset of an alcohol addict’s evolution into the person they were meant to be in the likeness of the Lord.

RECOMMENDED by the US Review

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