Thurlow and Kathey Spurr

Thurlow and Kathey Spurr

Expert Topics:

  • Introduction to the Spurr Conservatory in Branson, MO
  • Focus will be on nurturing and showcasing exceptional talent
  • Providing comprehensive curriculum covering singing, dancing, stagecraft, and performance
  • Planing to select one outstanding student from each of the 50 states
  • Targeting individuals between the ages of 18 and 25
  • Emphasizes instilling confidence, resilience, and a Biblical worldview
  • Seamless blend of education and entertainment
  • Innovative approach coined as “edutainment”


Thurlow and Kathey Spurr

Founders, The Spurr Conservatory. The Premiere Christian Performance Conservatory

In today’s troubled world, we see a growing concern for the escalating turmoil depicted in the media. The decline of moral, religious, academic, and patriotic values within our educational institutions has become increasingly apparent, overshadowed by riots, violence, and property destruction.

By establishing The Spurr Conservatory, we aim to harness the transformative power of entertainment, music, and the arts to steer society toward a more positive direction.

This Conservatory is destined to be the place where 50 talented youth, each representing one of the 50 states, will come to develop their artistic potential to the highest level possible. They will perform for more than 10 million yearly visitors to Branson, Missouri. As they advance their performance skills at the Conservatory, they will also be enrolled in a leading University, providing additional academic growth. These outstanding students will become leaders and international influencers in the arts and entertainment world. They will emerge as lights in a darkening and increasingly powerful performing and entertainment industry. They will deeply understand their beliefs and the reasons behind them. Fully equipped, they will advance the greatest cause on earth and serve as God’s salt and light.

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A Pioneer in Contemporary Christian Music

Thurlow spurr

  • Former President of the Gospel Music Association
  • Booking and management for Kathie Lee Gifford, Dino, and Larnelle Harris
  • Renowned for innovative contributions to the industry
  • Founder of The Spurrlows
  • Breakthrough in bringing Christian music to corporate America
  • Global Impact: Performances in North Korea, the Kremlin, and beyond
  • Mentoring numerous industry leaders and launching careers
  • Prolific production of albums, choral books, and innovative projects
  • Initiatives like Festival of Praise and multi-voice Christmas Is production
  • Commitment to advancing Christian music with excellence and passion
  • Produced over 25,000 live shows
  • Bachelor of Arts and Master of Music Degrees

Kathey Spurr

  • Candidate for a Doctorate in Music Education from Liberty University
  • Over four decades of illustrious career in various music genres
  • Focuses on nurturing young talent with moral values
  • Founder of the Academy for the Performing Arts in Nashville
  • Graced stages worldwide, sharing platforms with icons like Bob Hope and Jay Leno
  • Developed academies in Michigan, Orlando, Branson, and St. Louis
  • Students’ remarkable achievements include Broadway performances and Dove awards
  • Mentorship nurtures artistic talent and instills values for success
  • Blend of sweetness and toughness as a performance coach, elevating students to extraordinary heights in the arts



The Spurr Conservatory

In today’s troubled world, we see a growing concern for the escalating turmoil depicted in the media. The decline of moral, religious, academic, and patriotic values within our educational institutions has become increasingly apparent, overshadowed by riots, violence, and property destruction.

By establishing The Spurr Conservatory, we aim to harness the transformative power of entertainment, music, and the arts to steer society toward a more positive direction.

Our vision involves selecting one exceptional student from each of the 50 States, aged 18 to 25, to form the inaugural class of The Spurr Conservatory. Each student will receive a full scholarship and the opportunity to perform daily in our state-of-the-art theater in Branson, Missouri, with global exposure through television.

Under the guidance of accredited instructors and industry leaders, students will rapidly refine their performance and production skills. Additionally, their education will include coursework from a prestigious university, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

We are dedicated to instilling in each student a firm foundation of beliefs and values rooted in a Biblical worldview, empowering them to become influential ambassadors of light and positivity.

We invite you to join us in changing lives one at a time. We firmly believe that “the way for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.”

Most warmly,

Thurlow and Kathey Spurr


The Thurlow and Kathey Spurr Performing Arts Center (SPAC) will initially host 50 young aspiring musicians, dancers, instrumentalists, actors, and theater technicians; one from each state of the Union. Each of these outstanding youth will be carefully selected through auditions, recommendations by their teachers, competitions, and auditions.

They will be involved in training and live performances at the Center while simultaneously enrolled in academic studies via virtual courses offered by this country’s finest universities. Their academic studies will be augmented by actual theater experience and “hands on” practical training by the finest resident and guest instructors preparing them for a lifetime of success in their chosen profession. The entertainment and training will never cease. We call it Edutainment and there is no school in the world which offers this intense opportunity for daily learning and development.

There are also extensive plans to offer a similar program for grade, middle and high school students. In a specially designed “Black Box Theater” today’s youth will be encouraged to participate in classic performances such as The Music Man, Oklahoma!, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast. The “Little Theater” is also a fully equipped audio and television studio providing daily and weekly “made for TV” shows. SPAC will be supported by the weekly TV Series AMERICA YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL.

Support SPAC to help educate and develop America’s youth.

Help us take today’s best musicians and make them champions.


Thurlow Spurr talking about The Conservatory

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